Mission, Vision, Values / Shared Norms and Commitments

MIC3 Mission Vision and Values

Shared Norms


  1. Informal guideline about what is considered normal (what is correct or incorrect) social behavior in a particular group or social unit. Norms form the basis of collective expectations that members of a community have from each other, and play a key part in social control and social order by exerting a pressure on the individual to conform.
  2. Formal rule or standard laid down by legal, religious, or social authority against which appropriateness (what is right or wrong) of an individual’s behavior is judged.
  • Participate actively and equitably. Make contributions and room for the contribution of others.
  • Be prepared for meetings.
  • Ensure work is aligned to the strategic plan.
  • Utilize time allotted for meeting productively.
  • Plan the agenda to focus on outcomes and actions required.
  • Use data to support decisions and guide discussions.
  • Communicate and support the decision of the group. Maintain confidentiality regarding disagreements expressed during meetings.
  • Candidly express disagreements with ideas, not individuals, and be willing to acknowledge what we don’t know.
  • Build a cohesive and functional team.

Shared Commitments

  • Advance the organization to serve children (set aside adult issues).
  • Openness and transparency in all we do.
  • Collaboration based on trust.
  • The inclusion of diverse perspectives of all members (50+1).
  • Continual professional growth of the organization and the individuals and commissioners.
  • Make decisions using data, expertise and experience consistent with the strategic plan.
  • Our actions always reflect our vision, mission and values.
  • Regularly assess our performance and progress.